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bordering country中文是什么意思

用"bordering country"造句"bordering country"怎么读"bordering country" in a sentence


  • 交界国


  • Analysis on the situation of cotton production - necessity chang of the border countries
  • The bordering countries of ukraine and belarus began to wonder if they were as vulnerable to occupation as belarus had been
  • Throughout the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries the border country was ravaged by lawless reiver families in a vicious cycle of raid , reprisal and blood feud
    在15与16世纪中,这两地交界处的村庄各有不受两地律法管辖的”雷”家族,陷入在袭击、报复、结成世仇这样的惨烈轮? 。
  • Cooperation , development , and stabilization are supplement each other , thereby to strengthen the cooperation of north - west china and central asia is accordant with the diplomatic strategy of " try to maintain the peace and stabilization of china and bordering countries "
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